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These Scottish Almondine garnets are a new find for us in 2024. We added a single larger Almondine garnet from Scotland in another listing, but this listing is for 5 grams worth. As you can see by the pics, I actually added 6g worth. I don't want anyone to be disappointed!

These have nice angular shapes to them. They are not as shiny as Elie rubies but they are from an inland source so nobody is damaging any coastlines.

It took about three hours to gather 100g worth, which is why the prices are high for a small amount.

Some garnets are new, some older, I have no control over this.

They went into the rock tumbler to remove some of the mica scuff and schist from them. As you can see, there are still traces of this material on them.

These Scottish garnets came from the Southern Highlands, have been washed, de-scuffed, and are ready for their new home. Whether you have Scottish heritage or a love of crystals, these garnets are real treasure.

5g Scottish Almondine Garnets, Aberfeldy area.

SKU: Rrshelf

    ©2024 The Stone Circle.

    Scotland, United Kingdom

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