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These three pieces of Florida fossilized and Agatized coral pieces came all the way from the states. Harvested off the coast by @digdivediscover, we obtained six nodules of this back in 2020/21. They were collected, washed, and sent to us here in Scotland.

We cut them open to find only four were viable to sell. The first we hand polished and sold as a whole nodule. We sold another couple rough, and these last three are as is. We cut them open and that's all. The insides are either blue or white and the two larger pieces have botryoidal formations inside. The first is the bluest.

I don't want to polish these pieces as they are a little fragile for that kind of heat and pressure. With professional lapidary equipment we could, but by hand it would put too much stress on them. You may want to oil them using mineral oil and you may wish to polish them at home. Check out our digital PDF on how to hand polish crystals at home if you go that route.

1pc Rough Fossil Coral from Florida

£9.99 Regular Price
£8.99Sale Price

    ©2024 The Stone Circle.

    Scotland, United Kingdom

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