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Back in 2019 when we first discovered the amethyst source down near Dalbeattie, we picked up chunks that were simply too big to have picked up. This one and another two which are more smushed (brecciated) are remnants of that period.

This large chunk of amethyst drusy has a huge face of sparkling amethyst crystals. I have seen this type of amethyst sold as spirit quartz commercially before. It's not quite pale enough as amethyst though. There is some nice purple to this Scottish crystal Druzy. It appears as a sparkling blanket on the host rock. There is an interesting feature on one corner, where an upside down version of Druzy amethyst crystals are smushed down on top like teeth.

This piece was heavy as hell to carry down the hill. It will be heavy as hell to post, too. We recommend it to UK sellers because us shipping will be pricey.

This rough amethyst crystal was dug from the ground up a hill in Dumfriesshire. It still has some dirt on it. I will give it another scrub before I send it. It does have some patches of white where it has suffered damage or where the amethyst gives way to quartz. This is the reason we are not charging more. It's a good deal for a large British mineral specimen.

1kg chunk of Scottish Amethyst Drusy

SKU: Brwl

    ©2024 The Stone Circle.

    Scotland, United Kingdom

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