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The Stone Circle Crystal FAQs

We love hearing from our customers, but before you request information, see if we haven’t answered your question already in the below FAQs.

What colour is the Scottish Highlands quartz you sell?


Our mountain quartz crystal chunks can be morion, clear, dark, reddish, white, or yellow. We will always sell it as white or dark/clear unless otherwise stated. It has come from the top of the mountain, been carefully cleaned, and will be kept until sold.

Do you sell Scottish agate?

Yes! We sell Scottish agate from both the east and west. Our western agate comes from the well-known Ayrshire hills, while our eastern agates are picked near Montrose. Colours of Scottish agate range from toffee-coloured browns to bright fiery reds and carnelian orange.

How do you polish your crystals?

When we want to polish our rockhounding finds, we can polish by hand using sandpaper and elbow grease. That’s not quite the whole story, we do add a little something to polish it up to that mirror-like shine… but we can’t give away all our secrets! Since adding our rock tumbler many of our smaller pieces are now tumbled.

Are all your crystals Scottish?

Not all of them have been hand-picked from Scottish mountains. We go on rockhounding trips all over the world too. However, we clearly mark those which haven’t come to us through our usual means. There should be no confusion as to where your crystals have come from. Many of our international crystals are recycled from old collections.

Do you sell Scottish healing crystals?

Every crystal has its own unique energy signature, and we try to give as much information on the uses as possible. We will try to provide you with as much detail on whether they are crystals for protection, crystals for anxiety, or chakra crystals for healing, at the point of sale. We believe that crystals are individual spirits, each of which will eventually find the person it belongs to. Keep in mind that each crystal will feed on the energy you choose to put into it and use your crystals

How do I cleanse my new crystals?

As long as your crystals aren’t averse to water, you can cleanse them in a bowl of water or in the running water of a river, if you have one nearby. Leave them overnight for best results. You can cleanse them by weaving them through incense smoke for a ‘quick fix’, or you can choose to cleanse in a bath of salt for minerals that can’t stand water.

Which minerals are averse to water?

Do not put your salt lamp in the dishwasher! It happens. Calcite will eventually disintegrate in water, as will amber, turquoise, red coral, azurite, selenite, moonstone, kyanite, kunzite – and many other salt-based crystals.

Does The Stone Circle have a physical shop?

No, at the moment we only exist online. If you are uncomfortable buying through the Stone Circle online Scottish Crystal Shop website, you can now buy Scottish crystals from us on Etsy.

A lone paddle boat vanishes into the distance between four moutains around Loch Lomond.

©2024 The Stone Circle.

Scotland, United Kingdom

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